Local Eyes to Get you 'Africa Ready'


Localization Testing Services

Localization testing helps clients get feedback on services, products, website copy, etc. before they are launched in new or foreign markets.

In terms of ensuring maximum success and avoiding costly errors, localization & usability testing is a crucial step in the quality assurance process.

People differ across the world – cultures, languages, behaviours, norms and expectations change from country to country and even sometimes within a country. As a result it’s vital to ensure anything you launch in a new country works as it should in that country. A very basic example would be checking that an e-commerce website to launch in Nigeria provides the right tone of language, a good usability experience and of course things like the local currency, phone numbers, etc.

What do we carry out localization testing on?

Localization & usability testing is used mostly within the software industry, i.e. making sure a piece of software is ready to be used in a new country.

We however, take it to the next level and apply the principles of testing to anything  – even a company slogan.

The main areas we as a company our clients with this service are:

  • Apps
  • Websites
  • Videos Games
  • Labels
  • Packaging
  • Advertisements
  • Marketing campaigns
  • Online Ads

In terms of the testing we carry out, we focus on three areas:

1.    Language Testing

Translation is usually the major part of any localization. However, depending on how the translation was carried out, it may be that the translation is not suitable for the target audience. We look at suitability, accessibility, tone and accuracy to ensure the copy is ready to go to market.

2.    Culture Testing

By looking at your product or service through the eyes of your target culture, we receive invaluable feedback on what works and what needs changing. Layouts, usability, colours, images, call to actions and any other aspects that might need adaptation are used to improve acceptability.

3.    Country  Testing

Country specific testing examines the demands of doing business in a particular country. Currencies, symbols, phone numbers, units of measurement, taxes, legal frameworks and the like need to be in line with the norms.

If you would like to discuss a potential project, please contact one of our team who can talk you through localization & usability testing options.

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